Patec Group

PATEC Group is a leading engineering solutions partner to the metal-forming industry, comprising of two distinctive and complementary business units: Engineering Solutions and Components Manufacturing, providing complete engineering solutions, ranging from ODM precision mechanical press machines, tool design and fabrication to turnkey manufacturing and in-house series manufacturing. PATEC Group employs more than 600 staff in 2 research locations and 5 production sites worldwide, in Singapore, Indonesia, China and Europe.

For a brand that advocates excellence in reliability, quality and value, we departed from the brand’s usual collateral design and photography to create a brochure that was able to better reflect the sleek finishing
& high quality precision engineering of the brand. Die-cut to the shape of its key product,
the brochure served to generate interest and build its brand presence.

Patec Group

Patec GroupPatec GroupPatec Group
© 2012 FACTORY 1611