iTheatre is one of the region’s premiere professional producing companies for family-orientated theatre that aims to produce theatre experiences that will be as accessible, challenging, funny and thought provoking to an adult as to a child. In this, iTheatre holds a unique position within the local theatre scene, having produced some of the most unforgettable family theatre.
Having been established for 15 years, iTheatre invited us to refresh the brand identity as part of new efforts to anchor them amongst fresh audiences not just in Singapore but also in the region.
We angled the branding strategy over three key pillars: it being fun & accessible, the importance of family and community, as well as the educational and engagement aspects of theatre.
Through the brand identity, we wanted to trigger the childhood memories of fun, enjoyment, and the days of being carefree using the key motif of balloons as the basis for the typography; the sense of amazement triggered by the imagination of a child during his or her first encounter with a simple toy like that. Through this, we created a fun & dynamic logo whereby the motif of the boy with the balloon replaces the letter ‘i’ in the logo, and iterations are applied through the various applications.
Visit the iTheatre website